Showing posts with label crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crisis. Show all posts


Netflix`s Voodoo Finance Model is a House of Cards (Subscribe to Video) - FINANCIAL-24

***ATTN TJ Roklan, the email you provided is not valid, please send us a valid email address.  Thanks. *** By  EconMatters We discuss in...

Trading Stop Theory in Modern Financial Markets (Video) - FINANCIAL-24

By EconMatters We discuss the theory of stops in this market video, focusing on just how bizarre Central Bank activities have become, no a...

Gold Coins, Storage Options, Insurance, Futures Market, Risks Examined - FINANCIAL-24

By EconMatters We examine the tradeoffs when it comes to investing in Gold from the physical market, storage options, to gold storage and el...

Bankroll Management in Financial Markets (Video) - FINANCIAL-24

By EconMatters We discuss the Law of Small Numbers in this market video in regards to account size, margin requirements, natural market vari...